cross-coupled metapopulation

Stochastic spatial model for Coronavirus spread

Mathematical Epidemiology - Lecture 05 - Metapopulation models

Metapopulation models

Stefano Allesina - A metapopulation model in which patches have memory


Metapopulations and Introduction to Life History Strategies

Ying Chen - Habitat usage and metapopulation dynamics in trilling chorus frogs

The Metapopulation System (MAS): A Modular Stock Assessment Framework

Pathogens Cross-talks-Mechanisms, Models and Dynamical implications by Samit Bhattacharyya

Metapopulation Modeling of COVID Transmission to Evaluate and Improve Mitigation Measures in the US

Advances and gaps in vaccine modelling - R. Reeve

Genetic Analysis of Single Genes

Kyoto Prize at Oxford 2023: Bryan T. Grenfell

Why consider spatial aspects in disease spread?

20220517 Geoff Heard

Dynamics of Pathogens in Time and Space, with Bryan Grenfell, 2022 Kyoto Prize Laureate

Environmental and behavioral Drivers of Cross-species Nipah Virus Transmission... by Clifton McKee

EEB Thursday Seminar - Hybrid: Genomics to improve management of imperiled wildlife

Yogita Sharma: Modeling the impact of stochasticity and spatial structure on homing-based gene (...)

That trainer who only focuses on girls | trainers be like

The Effects of Heterogeneity in Pathogen Transmission on Disease Modeling Predictions

HEAS Seminar Series - Marta Mirazon Lahr

Technology is not going to save us, ecology will! | Theunis Piersma | TEDxFryslân

Microfluidic Island Biogeography ▸ Oskar Hallatschek (UCB)